Channel: Training – Endurance Corner
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Swim Challenge 2017 Workouts


We’ll update this post daily with new workouts. You can enter your swims and register at any time during the challenge.

February 4

5k Workout

20x 25 as:
5x (3 easy, 1 fast on 10” rest)

Main Set
5K Straight for time

Choice cool down

4k Workout

16x 25 as:
4x (3 easy, 1 fast on 10” rest)

Main Set
4K Straight for time

Choice cool down

3k Workout

12x 25 as:
3x (3 easy, 1 fast on 10” rest)

Main Set
3K Straight for time

Choice cool down

February 3

5k Workout

400 swim
300 pull
200 kick
100 IM or build

4x (50 kick, 4x 25 IM order or 1-4 free) choice rest

Main Set
500 steady on 50” rest
4x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy on 15” rest
400 steady on 40” rest
8x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 2x on 15” rest
300 steady on 30” rest
12x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 3x on 15” rest
200 steady on 20” rest
16x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 4x on 15” rest
100 steady on 20” rest
20x 25 as 3 fast 1 easy, 5x on 15” rest

400 easy

4k Workout

400 swim
300 pull
200 kick
100 IM or build

2x (50 kick, 4x 25 IM order or 1-4 free) choice rest

Main Set
400 steady on 40” rest
8x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 2x on 15” rest
300 steady on 30” rest
12x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 3x on 15” rest
200 steady on 20” rest
16x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 4x on 15” rest
100 steady on 20” rest
20x 25 as 3 fast 1 easy, 5x on 15” rest

300 easy

3k Workout

300 swim
200 pull
100 kick

2x (50 kick, 4x 25 IM order or 1-4 free) choice rest

Main Set
300 steady on 30” rest
12x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 3x on 15” rest
200 steady on 20” rest
16x 25 as 3 fast, 1 easy 4x on 15” rest
100 steady on 20” rest
20x 25 as 3 fast 1 easy, 5x on 15” rest

300 easy

February 2

5k Workout

400 swim
200 kick
400 pull

Main Set
10x (125 easy w/fins, rest 10”, 25 fast with fins, rest 15”)
200 choice, rest 60”
10x 125 pull as 50 easy/25build/50 steady on 20” rest
200 choice, rest 60”
12x 50 kick as descend 1-3 4x on 20” rest

500 cool down

4k Workout

400 swim
200 kick
400 pull

Main Set
8x (125 easy w/fins, rest 10”, 25 fast with fins, rest 15”)
100 choice, rest 60”
8x 125 pull as 50 easy/25build/50 steady on 20” rest
100 choice, rest 60”
12x 50 kick as descend 1-3 4x on 20” rest

200 cool down

3k Workout

300 swim
200 kick
100 pull

Main Set
6x (125 easy w/fins, rest 10”, 25 fast with fins, rest 15”)
50 choice, rest 60”
6x 125 pull as 50 easy/25build/50 steady on 20” rest
500 choice, rest 60”
12x 50 kick as descend 1-3 4x on 20” rest

200 cool down

February 1

5k Workout

500 easy
10x 50 as 25 choice / 25 free

Main Set
5x 200 on base + 20
4x 200 on base + 15
3x 200 on base + 10
2x 200 on base + 5
1x 200 on base

6 x 125 pull as 2 easy, 2 moderate, 2 fast on 20” rest

200 easy

4k Workout

500 easy
10x 50 as 25 choice / 25 free

Main Set
4x 200 on base + 15
3x 200 on base + 10
2x 200 on base + 5
1x 200 on base

6x 125 pull as 2 easy, 2 moderate, 2 fast on 20” rest

200 easy

3k Workout

300 easy
6x 50 as 25 choice / 25 free

Main Set
4x 150 on base + 15
3x 150 on base + 10
2x 150 on base + 5
1x 150 on base

6x 100 pull as 2 easy, 2 moderate, 2 fast on 20” rest

300 easy

January 31

5k Workout

600 easy
4x 150 as 50 kick / 100 build swim
6x 50 as 25 build / 25 easy

Main Set
Two rounds of
250 on base
5x 50 on base +15
200 on base
4x 50 on base + 10
150 on base
3x 50 on base +5
100 on base
2x 50 on base
100 easy

500 cool down

4k Workout

400 easy
2x 150 as 50 kick / 100 build swim
4x 50 as 25 build / 25 easy

Main Set
Two rounds of
250 on base
5x 50 on base +15
200 on base
4x 50 on base + 10
150 on base
3x 50 on base +5
100 on base
2x 50 on base
100 easy

100 cool down

3k Workout

400 easy
2x 150 as 50 kick / 100 build swim
4x 50 as 25 build / 25 easy

Main Set
Two rounds of
200 on base
4x 50 on base + 10
150 on base
3x 50 on base +5
100 on base
2x 50 on base
100 easy

100 cool down

January 30

Today’s workout is from Coach Jeff Fejfar:

5k Workout

4x 125 easy swim w/ fins, rest 5-10″
4x 100 easy pull, rest 5-10″
4x 75 as 25 build / 25 easy
8x 25 descend 1-4, 2x on 10-15″ rest
100 easy choice

Main Set
6 rounds of 5×100 as:
25 fast / 75 steady, rest 10-15″,
25 steady / 25 fast / 50 steady, rest 10-15″
50 steady / 25 fast / 25 steady, rest 10-15″
75 steady / 25 fast, rest 10-15″
100 easy choice, rest 30-45″

300 with fins as 25 swim / 25 kick on back, 6x through
200 easy choice

4k Workout

4x 125 easy swim w/ fins, rest 5-10″
4x 100 easy pull, rest 5-10″
4x 75 as 25 build / 25 easy
8x 25 descend 1-4, 2x on 10-15″ rest
100 easy choice

Main Set
4 rounds of 5×100 as:
25 fast / 75 steady, rest 10-15″
25 steady / 25 fast / 50 steady, rest 10-15″
50 steady / 25 fast / 25 steady, rest 10-15″
75 steady / 25 fast, rest 10-15″
100 easy choice, rest 30-45″

3x 100 with fins as 25 swim / 25 kick on back, rest 5-10″
200 easy choice

3k Workout

4x 125 easy swim w/ fins, rest 5-10″
4x 100 easy pull, rest 5-10″
4x 75 as 25 build / 25 easy
8x 25 descend 1-4, 2x on 10-15″ rest
100 easy choice

Main Set
2 rounds of 5×100 as:
25 fast / 75 steady, rest 10-15″
25 steady / 25 fast / 50 steady, rest 10-15″
50 steady / 25 fast / 25 steady, rest 10-15″
75 steady / 25 fast, rest 10-15″
100 easy choice, rest 30-45″

6x 50 with fins as 25 swim / 25 kick on back, rest 5-10″
200 easy choice

January 28

Today’s Saturday session is courtesy of Magnolia Masters (The Woodlands, Texas)

5k Workout

400 swim
200 kick
200 pull
8x 50 1-4 2x on 15” rest

Main Set
4x 150 on 20” rest
6x 100 on base + 10”
3x 150 on 20” rest
5x 100 on base + 5”
2x 150 on 20” rest
4x 100 on base
1x 150 on 20” rest
3x 100 on base -5”

100 easy recovery

When ready:
100 for time

300 cool down


4k Workout

400 swim
200 kick
200 pull
8x 50 1-4 2x on 15” rest

Main Set
3x 150 on 20” rest
5x 100 on base + 5”
2x 150 on 20” rest
4x 100 on base
1x 150 on 20” rest
3x 100 on base -5”

100 easy recovery

When ready:
100 for time

500 cool down

3k Workout

200 swim
200 kick
200 pull
4x 50 1-4 on 15” rest

Main Set
3x 150 on 20” rest
4x 100 on base + 5”
2x 150 on 20” rest
3x 100 on base
1x 150 on 20” rest
2x 100 on base -5”

100 easy recovery

When ready:
100 for time

200 cool down

January 27

5k Workout

400 swim
200 kick
400 pull/choice

Main Set 1
2x 200 pull on 30” rest
2x 200 pull on 20” rest
2x 200 fins or pull on 10” rest
rest 60”
No gear now; hold same pace below as rest interval drops
2x 100 swim on 15” rest
2x 100 swim on 10” rest
2x 100 swim on 5” rest

Main Set 2
Five rounds of
25 fast on 10-15” rest
50 fast on 10-15” rest
75 fast on 10-15” rest
100 fast; then go into
150 easy; choice rest, start next set when ready

200 easy

4k Workout

400 swim
200 kick
400 pull/choice

Main Set 1
2x 150 pull on 20” rest
2x 150 pull on 15” rest
2x 150 fins or pull on 10” rest
rest 60”
No gear now; hold same pace below as rest interval drops
2x 100 swim on 10” rest
2x 100 swim on 5” rest

Main Set 2
Four rounds of
25 fast on 10-15” rest
50 fast on 10-15” rest
75 fast on 10-15” rest
100 fast; then go into
150 easy; choice rest, start next set when ready

100 easy

3k Workout

200 swim
200 kick
200 pull/choice

Main Set 1
2x 125 pull on 20” rest
2x 125 pull on 15” rest
2x 100 fins or pull on 10” rest
rest 60”
No gear now; hold same pace below as rest interval drops
2x 100 swim on 10” rest
2x 100 swim on 5” rest

Main Set 2
Four rounds of
25 fast on 10-15” rest
50 fast on 10-15” rest
75 fast; then go into:
100 easy; choice rest, start next set when ready

300 easy

January 26

5k Workout

1000 easy choice
12 x 25 as 2 build,1 easy on 10” rest

Main Set
500, 60” rest
2 x 250, 30” rest
6 x 100, 10” rest
1 x 50 FAST
Rest 90”
Seconds round repeat with choice of pulling gear or fins

500 easy

4k Workout

700 easy choice
12 x 25 as 2 build,1 easy on 10” rest

Main Set
400, 60” rest
2 x 200, 30” rest
4 x 100, 10” rest
1 x 50 FAST
Rest 90”
Seconds round repeat with choice of pulling gear or fins

500 easy

3k Workout

600 easy choice
12 x 25 as 2 build,1 easy on 10” rest

Main Set
500, 60” rest
2 x 250, 30” rest
6 x 100, 10” rest
1 x 50 FAST

350 easy


January 25

5k Workout

300 easy
200 pull
100 kick
16x 50 as IM order 25/25 free (fins ok); 10” rest

Main Set
3 rounds of:
4x 125 pull on 15” rest
Gear off; then
4x 125 as 100 IM+25 free on 15” rest (fins ok)
Rest 30, then restart round

400 cool down

4k Workout

300 easy
200 pull
100 kick
16x 50 as IM order 25/25 free (fins ok); 10” rest

Main Set
2 rounds of:
4x 125 pull on 15” rest
Gear off; then
4x 125 as 100 IM+25 free on 15” rest (fins ok)
Rest 30, then restart round

400 cool down

3k Workout

300 easy
200 pull
100 kick
16x 50 as IM order 25/25 free (fins ok); 10” rest

Main Set
4x 125 pull on 15” rest
Gear off; then
4x 125 as 100 IM+25 free on 15” rest (fins ok)

400 cool down


January 24

5k Workout

400 swim
300 kick
200 swim
100 kick
Fins optional on the above

16x 25 descend 1-4 4x on 10” rest
100 easy

Main Set
8x 100 on base
4x 50 easy choice on 20” rest
8x 100 on base
4x 50 easy choice on 20”
8x 100 on base +15 target 3-5 seconds faster/100
4x 50 easy choice on 20” rest

500 cool down

4k Workout

400 swim
300 kick
200 swim
100 kick
Fins optional on the above

8x 25 descend 1-4 2x on 10” rest
100 easy

Main Set
6x 100 on base
3x 50 easy choice on 20” rest
6x 100 on base
3x 50 easy choice on 20”
6x 100 on base +15 target 3-5 seconds faster/100
3x 50 easy choice on 20” rest

450 cool down

3k Workout

300 swim
200 kick
100 swim

Fins optional on the above

8x 25 descend 1-4 2x on 10” rest
100 easy

Main Set
5x 100 on base
2x 50 easy choice on 20” rest
5x 100 on base
2x 50 easy choice on 20”
5x 100 on base +15 target 3-5 seconds faster/100
2x 50 easy choice on 20” rest

300 cool down

January 23

Our first workout is from Coach Jeff Fejfar:

5k Workout

300 easy w/fins
4x 50 as 25 build / 25 easy (RI:10)
4x 25 as 1 fast, 1 easy, 1 fast, 1 easy (RI:15)

Main Set: (4000)
*Look to pick up pace slightly with each distance cut, 1-2 seconds per 100.
4x 400 (RI:25) bit easier than IM effort
4x 300 (RI:20) about IM effort
4x 200 (RI:15) about HIM effort
4x 100 (RI:10) about Olympic effort

3x 100 kick (RI:10)
100 easy

4k Workout

300 easy w/fins
4x 50 as 25 build / 25 easy (RI:10)
4x 25 as 1 fast, 1 easy, 1 fast, 1 easy (RI:15)

Main Set: (3000)
*Look to pick up pace slightly with each distance cut, 1-2 seconds per 100.
3x 400 (RI:25) bit easier than IM effort
3x 300 (RI:20) about IM effort
3x 200 (RI:15) about HIM effort
3x 100 (RI:10) about Olympic effort

6x 50 kick (RI:10)
100 easy

3k Workout

300 easy w/fins
4x 50 as 25 build / 25 easy (RI:10)
4x 25 as 1 fast, 1 easy, 1 fast, 1 easy (RI:15)

Main Set: (2000)
*Look to pick up pace slightly with each distance cut, 1-2 seconds per 100.
2x 400 (RI:25) bit easier than IM effort
2x 300 (RI:20) about IM effort
2x 200 (RI:15) about HIM effort
2x 100 (RI:10) about Olympic effort

12x 25 kick (RI:10)
100 easy


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