A lot of us are starting to see the weather change and are starting to think about climbing back on the trainer for the winter months. A combination of good trainer sessions to keep you motivated while stuck inside is key.
I’ve never been a believer in just sitting on an indoor trainer and riding easy for three to five hours. I think an athlete would be much better off heading out for a snow shoe, skate ski or hike. I believe every time you get on the trainer in the winter months you should have a purpose — a session written out with some focus in it.
Set your trainer up somewhere that provides motivation. A good environment will keep you going. Good music, cool air, posters of your heroes or videos all help.
Here is a set I like to include throughout the winter months.
The Workout
- Warm Up
- 15-20 minutes with some single legs drills (right leg 30 seconds / left leg 30 seconds / both legs 30 seconds focused on smooth pedal strokes in a light gear).
- Then build your H. up to 80% effort for 5 minutes and then spin easy 5-10 minutes before starting your main set.
- Main Set
- 4x 1 minute 50-60rpm / 1 minute recovery
- 1x 5 minute 80-90rpm / 2.5 minute recovery
- 3x 1 minute 50-60rpm / 1 minute recovery
- 1x 3 minute 80-90rpm / 1.5 minute recovery
- 2x 1 minute 50-60rpm / 1 minute recovery
- 1x 2 minute 80-90rpm / 1 minute recovery
- 1x 1 minute 50-60rpm / 1 minute recovery
- 7 minute TT 90+ rpm
- Cool down 20-30 minutes
When you ride the trainer through the winter make it as interesting as you can. Always know what you are going to do before you climb on. This will ensure a solid session, otherwise five minutes can feel like an hour.
When I lived in Canada I rode the trainer five to six days a week for eight months through those cold snowy seasons. Including quality sessions like this set me up to get on the road already fit without spending three or more hours spinning with a sore butt.